Building history in South Lakes

South Lakes Islamic Centre Aerial Shot

As-salaamu Alaykum

We’ve been working tirelessly behind the scenes and are thrilled to reconnect about the First Masjid Project. This is more than a building, it’s a lifeline for our community, shaping the hearts of our children and anchoring their identities firmly within the masjid. The closest masjid is currently a 100 mile round-trip, and our vision remains unwavering: to make the scenic South Lakes a place of choice for Muslim families.

Turning Trials into Triumphs

“Indeed, after hardship comes ease” (Qur'an 94:6).

The path has been challenging, with significant hurdles from Network Rail, the council, and local opposition. Yet, with Allah’s guidance, we’ve overcome these obstacles. Our focus is now on fulfilling pre-commencement conditions , including crucial highway improvements. The council want us to do this before we can start the foundations.

A seasoned contractor has been appointed to lead the construction phase Alhamdulillaah, ensuring every detail is handled with professionalism. We’ve finalised a well-crafted project timeline and construction plan, preparing us to move forward with determination. We have completed up to RIBA stage 3, and we aim to complete highway works by January 2025, in shaa Allah, setting the stage for foundation works to begin before Ramadan.

South Lakes Islamic Centre Riba Document

Join This Noble Journey

“Whoever builds a masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a home in Jannah.” (Hadith)

This is your chance to be part of history. Imagine being involved in building the First Masjid in the South Lakes! We not only seek your sincere du’as, we humbly seek your expertise. Should you feel an inner calling to contribute your time or advice, please reach out, as we head towards the critical phases.

For any technical questions, or interest in involvement simply reply, our dedicated project team is just an email away, ready to respond within 48 hours in shaa Allah.

A Call for Compassion and Du’a

As we lay the foundation for our community’s future, let us always remember those who are suffering deeply. Our hearts are heavy with the ongoing plight of the people of Palestine, who have become a symbol of resistance against oppression. The Prophet ﷺ said, “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.”

While we may feel powerless, we hold the powerful weapon of du’a, a gift so valuable it may flip destiny. Join us in praying for peace and solace for the oppressed all around the world.

Surah Al-Fajr offers a stark warning to the oppressors and consoling reassurance to the righteous, providing a much-needed perspective of the ultimate end of both. We urge you to read its translation and reflect on its wisdom. It has helped us. Here is a soul-stirring video translation for ease.

For every Masjid destroyed, may you join us and be the means to build many more Masajid, creating thriving communities that raise Allah’s name and offer solace and guidance during difficult times.

We invite you to journey with us as we build not just the First Masjid, but a cornerstone for future generations in the lake district, for locals and tourists alike.

JazaakAllaah Khairan

Aban Hussain
South Lakes Islamic Centre

P.S. Have a sneak peak at me being questioned by clicking here, answering more of your (time-stamped) questions!

South Lakes Islamic Center

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